My photo
This is my photographer’s blog, for your consideration. I post some of my favorite shots here, usually along with some comments about how the photo was taken or post-processed. (Occasionally I have the vain thought that someone might like to read about that.)

If you like what you see here, feel free to check out my Flickr site and YouTube channel.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Conjunction Triad: Moon, Venus, Earth


By getting up bring-n-early Monday the 17th, I was able to capture the conjunction of three beautiful objects in space: 1) Crescent Moon, 2) Venus, 3) Earth. Well, my close proximity to that last one -- my own planet -- makes it so that I could only show a relatively small piece. So I chose a picturesque section to represent Earth: Mount Hood, silhouetted by the coming sunrise.

Although the triad is lovely, showing all of the members together required a low-detail wide shot. Here is the mountain by itself, in all its glory:


And, here is a close-up of the Moon and Venus:


An hour later, the last member of the triad -- Earth -- dominated the sky by turning it bright blue. ;-)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Immortal Hummingbird


This hummingbird visited Kathy and I while we were on vacation in Northern California, near the "Immortal Tree." (Click on the image for a bigger view.) Of course, the hummingbird did not care in the slightest about the tree nor the immortality it supposedly represented. The buzzing avian was only interested in the nectar of the colorful flowers:


Immortality from the Hummingbird Fountain of Youth! :-)