My photo
This is my photographer’s blog, for your consideration. I post some of my favorite shots here, usually along with some comments about how the photo was taken or post-processed. (Occasionally I have the vain thought that someone might like to read about that.)

If you like what you see here, feel free to check out my Flickr site and YouTube channel.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Collinear Planets


Jupiter and Venus are now the brightest objects in the sky. Until, that is, the crescent Moon makes an appearance, as happened this evening. The thing that made the scene expecially photogenic was the collinear arrangement -- three planetary bodies arrayed in a straight line. It was so gorgeous I couldn't resist a quick pre-dinner astrophotography session. The shot was one second at f/4, using ISO 400.

About a minute later, Luna snuggled under her blanket of horizon clouds and disappeared.